Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Java Web Apps for Beginners with Spring

I've been developing web applications for years and now I'm turning my focus to implement them in Java.  Specifically, I'm trying to start working with the Spring framework.

I've been looking for tutorials on using the framework and I found the Green Beans articles in the Spring blog to be somewhat helpful. The article, "Green Beans: Getting Started with Spring MVC", has been especially helpful.

I'm going through it very slowly, attempting to understand the various bits well.  I like the mention of Maven and I've used the example pom.xml given in the appendix.  I ended up saving it to a new folder on my desktop, then telling Eclipse to import the Maven project (using the m2eclipse extension).  Eclipse loaded it and Maven (magically!) found the dependencies.  The author, Colin Sampaleanu, has included helpful comments in this file and the rest of the code.

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