Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Broke Eclipse

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've used the Maven capabilities in Eclipse to import a project based on a pom.xml file.  The imported project turned out not to be completely what I expected.  Specifically, it wasn't stored in my Eclipse workspace folder.  It was where I had originally created the pom.xml file.

I thought I could avoid this by creating the file within the workspace folder itself, but that didn't work, either.  Eclipse refused to import something that is already in the workspace.

What I ended up doing was deleting the project from the project explorer without deleting the files from the filesystem.  Then I asked Eclipse to import an existing project from the filesystem into the workspace.  Overall, that worked, except for one thing.

Some bug in Eclipse made the import wizard think that something was still being processed.  The wizard wouldn't close.  I didn't want to abort Eclipse for fear that my workspace wouldn't be saved properly.  I ended up clicking the "Back" button, choosing some other type of innocuous import, letting it run, then the wizard went away.  I cleaned up by deleting the unnecessary imported files.

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